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Meet the challenges and succeed with TANA.

Time is money in solid waste management and TANA keeps things going. Compacting, shredding or separating. It´s time to change your thinking from machines to value creation. Getting more out of your investment is interesting. Not just the machine.


TANA is the best profit maker in solid waste management

We focus on maximizing uptime. Keeping machines up and running without disruption. All TANA machines come with in-built intelligence with the latest technology, creating the best possible design and user experience. Versatile and robust machine is able to deal with the toughest materials and conditions. One TANA will be enough to do even the hardest work for you – transforming waste to value.

Our sales & service network ensures the highest possible uptime and productivity on your TANA equipment throughout the machine lifetime.

TANA Landfill Compactor The most productive compactor on the market

We guarantee a minimum of 10% better compaction rate compared to any other brand but our customers are receiving over 20% better compaction rate!

TANA is the one landfill compactor you ever need. A nonoscillating, rigid frame utilizes the weight of the machine through the full-width drums and the crushing teeth. The end result is a smooth, firmly compacted area.

Twin drums covers 30% more area per pass

Customers can receive over 20% better compaction rate

Smoother surface reduces the use of cover soil by 50 %.

Lowest gravity point in the market

Larger surface area results in less ground pressure

Provides the most tooth penetrations per foot of machine travel

Best overall cabin visibility in its class

See all TANA Landfill compactors
Download compactor brochure

TANA Waste Shredder Unique versatility

Investing in a TANA shredder opens multiple purposes. TANA Shark is able to produce homogenous particle size and has the capability to process widest range of materials – even the toughest ones like shingles and tires.

Capability to produce a large range of homogenous particle sizes

Unique versatility & productivity

Process widest range of materials

Local service & support nearby

TanaConnect® provides online access to your machine wherever you are

See all TANA Shredders Download shredder brochure

Work and profit made easy, with TanaConnect®

The more you know about your machine, the more you know about your business. We believe that mastering intelligent data and open interfaces are the future. TanaConnect® has built-in intelligence inside every landfill compactor and waste shredder. It collects all essential information for optimizing operations with transparent online data. Data collected from the machines help to simplify efficient working, increase motivation and productivity of the workers. It transforms working sites into intelligent sites, where all operations are optimized.

TANA H260 320 seaTCS

TANA Control System (TCS)

TANA Control system – landfill compactors

Straightforward machine management and control with TCS also enable TANA landfill compactor operator to handle waste on landfills in the most cost-efficient way, providing better compaction and waste management capacity with lower operating costs. Updated control panel and display with touch screen and better resolution make operation even easier.

Landfill compactor’s TCS communicates with electronic engine control system. TCS allows you to monitor, for example, engine oil pressure and temperatures, total fuel consumption and engine working hours. TCS indicator light, acoustic warning and alarm log also let the operator clearly know about the possible troubles.

TANA Control system – shredders

TCS monitors and controls the machine functions. In the TANA Shark waste shredders, there are 12 pre-programmed operating programs for different types of materials and purposes of shredding. The programs adjust the machine functions to optimal level for achieving the wanted output. For instance, overcharge pressure limits, rotor RPMs and conveyor speed can be adjusted.

Learn more about turning waste and materials into value

Landfill operations

The life expectancy of a landfill can be extended by several years with a TANA landfill compactor that offers at least a 10% better compaction rate than any competitor – guaranteed.

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Material recycling

Waste can be used to generate electricity and heat. The versatile TANA Shark shredder makes it possible to process many different types of waste materials with a single machine.

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Tana Network

We make sure your TANA machine consistently operates at an optimum level. Find your local sales & service contacts!!

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