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Tana North America events

Step into the dynamic world of waste management machinery right here in North America!

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Tana together with Humdinger Equipment leads the charge, pushing the boundaries of innovation within the industry. Our commitment to sustainable solutions resonates through every event we participate in, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting journey.

As we delve into the heart of waste management machinery, we are dedicated to forging connections, sharing knowledge, and catalyzing change. Through our diverse list of events, we provide a platform for professionals, enthusiasts, and industry leaders to collaborate, exchange ideas, and experience firsthand the latest breakthroughs.

Tana North America events isn’t just about showcasing cutting-edge technology; it’s about driving a transformative shift towards a cleaner, greener future. Join us in exploring our upcoming events, and together, let’s shape the landscape of waste management machinery in North America together.

Time Event Location
19.-22.8.2024 WSWRA Annual Conference Casper, Wyoming
18.-20.9.2024 South Dakota SDWMA Annual Conference Sioux Falls, South Dakota
7.10.2024 Iowa Recycling & Solid Waste Fall Conference Waterloo, Iowa
5.-7.11.2024 Waste & Recycling Expo Canada Toronto, Canada